Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Unicorn Tapestries

John and I would certainly agree that one of the major treasures of the Cluny Museum is the room with the Lady and the Unicorn tapestry cycle.
 The tapestries, of wool and silk threads, were made in Paris around 1500 and are an incredible achievement. The center of the room is filled with seating so one can study the images from a position of rest. It takes a while to take them in.
 I apologize for the murky interior shots. The lighting is very low to protect the colours so my focusing was frazzled.
 That's John getting up close to shoot some details.
The mille fleurs (thousand flowers) backgrounds and lively animals
 relieve the formal main action
as the virgin tames the unicorn.
We'll leave you with the animals in the borders.
So many rabbits!
All part of the lush Eternal Spring setting.

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